Put on Your Empowerment Mindset

Let’s finish 2020 strong!  


In order to do that you MUST put on your empowerment mindset. 


Proverbs 23:7a
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he [in behavior—one who manipulates].


Why is this so important?


It's so important for us to transform the thinking that's going on on the inside, because that's what's gonna manifest around us. 


If we're feeling like we are weak and we can't do anything, and  “woe is me,” “I’m a victim,” “I'm unable to be all that God has called me to be,” or anything along those lines is self-defeating.  We're all in a growing process, but we can't stay there living with this kind of thinking. 


We have to move forward and change that thinking!


Take some time to start trying to identify where those negative thoughts and lies came from.  Where were those roots initiated from?  


What is it?


Was it...

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There is GREATNESS in you!


How do I know, you ask?


Because you're still alive and breathing.


God has need of you and there's a purpose and destiny He is calling you to fulfill.


What are you waiting on?


Are you trying to get your ducks in a row?


Well, just when you think everything is all lined up and ready, something else goes out of whack.


No more excuses!


The time is now!


Again, I ask…


What are you waiting for?!?!


Let's "meet" on the phone for an Empowerment Strategy Session, I'd love to tell you more.

CLICK HERE to schedule your Empowerment Strategy Session TODAY with Empowerment Specialist, Natasha N. Mackey!


Natasha N. Mackey specializes in empowering people to enjoy life while discovering their God given purpose.  Through overcoming life struggles, her experience, impactful testimony and inspirational words she teaches them how to embrace and love their...

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If you've ever asked these questions then you're in the right place…..

*Is there more to my life than just THIS?  

*How can I leave a legacy for my family and my children?

*I know that there’s GREATNESS in me, but how do I let it out? How do I get it out?

*I work all day, I’m busy everyday, but I’m not seeing any real results?  I’m still broke, relationships are no good, and I’m still up to my eyeballs in debt….What am I missing?


Or maybe you're frustrated and down right tired….

You think you're on the right path and you're motivated to reach your goal. 

A few weeks pass by, you’re focused and driven and then you just stall out?

If any of that is you, then I'm so glad you're here.


I'm Empowerment Specialist Natasha N. Mackey.  I have worked in education for over 18 years, I’m a global ministry leader and I travel nationally and internationally hosting business conferences and...

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Revelation from New Smyrna Beach, Florida

I love sitting close to the water. 

It seems that I can hear the voice of the Lord in the sound of the waves.

So I had the privilege of visiting New Smyrna Beach the weekend of Pentecost Sunday.

I could feel the wind of the Holy Spirit coming off of the water. It was a very beautiful atmosphere.  Cool breeze, awesome views at sunset and I was just praying and seeking the  Lord. 

The Lord reminded me of how people are being empowered and walking into their destiny and calling and gifts are being activated. So just like Paul told Timothy to  “stir up the gifts that are within you,” I believe that even on this past Pentecost Sunday, with the breath of the Holy Spirit blowing, God is stirring up gifts within us.

He is stirring up those gifts that we know we have, and those that we didn't know that we possess, that are coming to fruition. 

This is the time and the season to walk into this divine time and be empowered in the midst of this...

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Secret to Massive Success Revealed!

I am not going to build you up for some hypothetical antics.

Everyone is looking for that magic formula to success....

And really it's super simple. 

No brain power is required (yes, it's a no brainer)!

Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.

This is it....

Share your plans with the Lord (as if He doesn't already know them right?)

It's for our own sake.

We want to make sure that we're in agreement with the plans that He has for our lives. 

We want to get His heart and His vision as we are putting together our vision boards. 

We don't want to just pull a plan or idea out of the air, but we really want to have the heart of the Father, as we're putting together our visions and our action steps.

We want to do everything that God has placed in our hearts to do to please Him.

We want to leave that lasting legacy and we...

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Peace and Calm in Psalm 46

This Psalm has been bringing such peace and calm to my heart and mind.  I just wanted to share some of the insights the Holy Spirit has been whispering to me as I’ve read it during these last few months.

Psalm 46 (Amplified Bible)
God the Refuge of His People.
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah, set to soprano voices. A Song.

1God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], A very present and well-proved help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains be shaken and slip into the heart of the seas,

3 Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains tremble at its roaring. Selah.

Selah means pause and think on that.

I believe this is where we are at this time.  In this season, our world may feel like it’s shaking on every side and that we're like ships at sea being tossed to and fro in this open water of life, in the ocean of life. 

But we have an anchor, we have a solid...

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