Empowerment Specialist
Natasha Rawls specializes in empowering women to enjoy life while discovering their God given purpose. Through overcoming life struggles, her experience, impactful testimony and inspirational words she teaches women how to embrace and love their authentic selves.
Natasha N. Mackey Rawls has relocated to Tallahassee, Florida with the love of her live. Previously she lived in New Mexico for 26 years. In 2014, Mackey Rawls was elected to serve on the City Council in Roswell, New Mexico; and was a key contender for Mayor of Roswell in the election of 2018. As a Council member, she served as the Vice Chair of the General Services Committee and on the Public Safety Committee. Mackey Rawls faithfully and effectively participated in the Roswell government to honor God and serve her community.
Mackey Rawls holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of New Mexico, Anderson School of Management, and a master’s degree in education from Eastern New Mexico University.
Mackey Rawls is a small business owner and has worked in Christian ministry for 25 years, serving in various capacities across denominational lines. Her life's mission is to unify the Body of Christ and see the saints of God equipped, trained and brought to maturity in the faith. She is a speaker, author, singer and songwriter, ministering both nationally and internationally. Also, she has written two books, “Walking in Kingdom Authority” and “Touching Heaven, Shaking Hell.” Also, she has recorded two worship albums, “Whispers from the Heart of God” and “New Praise and Worship.”
For additional information, you may contact Natasha N. Mackey Rawls at 1.855.622.5397 (1-855-MACKEY-7) or via e-mail at [email protected]
Here are the reasons you can depend on Natasha N. Mackey Global Ministries to help you live empowered fulfilled lives so you can find your God-given purpose:
- REPUTABLE - Natasha N. Mackey has been a respected leader in her field and community.
- EXPERIENCED - Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.
- INTEGRITY - Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners.
The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching. - RESOURCES - We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.
- CUSTOMIZABLE - All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.
- 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
The 5 Best Ways to Add Sizzle to Your Life TODAY!
Written by Natasha N. Mackey
This eBook is one of Natasha N. Mackey's most popular publications available for free download.
- Write The Vision
- Make Time to Connect
- Give Back Until It Hurts
- Find the Fun Factor
- Live Free and Fulfill Your Purpose
What People Are Saying:

Andrea Gail
"My experience with Natasha Mackey has been incredible. I love her infectious smile, zeal for God and love for people. Not only is she speaking out her truth, she is living it; Masters degrees, author, singer/songwriter/ producer, godly mentor, coach, and faithful woman. Every time I meet with her, I know that I’m going to get something good. I’m never disappointed! I went from depressed and unclear of my path to now pursuing my dream and using my God given talents with no regrets. I’m grateful that God put Natasha Mackey in my life at just the right time."

Veronica Arias
"Natasha was such an encouragement to me when I was ready to publish my first book. Her enthusiasm for women growing in Christ helped me soar to the next level of my identity in Christ.
Resourcefulness is her absolute gift to inspire women to reach their God given potential. Her love and knowledge of the word of God is impactful for the kingdom!"

Sarah Lanore
"Natasha N. Mackey, is full of positive energy; energy that flows in a forward motion, moving in a healthy direction. Whether it's hiking up exciting trails encountering God's creation or sitting in a circle with a few ladies and jewelry, there is a vibrant light of JESUS flowing through Natasha!
But even so, my greatest time spent with Natasha is during our Sunday morning worship to the LORD and I am able to sing with her To The LORD. Thank You JESUS for the blessing that Natasha is for me."

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