Receive Your Healing TODAY!

God is still in the healing business! Don't be fooled by the tricks of the enemy. God still heals cancer! God still heals heart disease! God still heals HIV and AIDS!  God still heals all manner of sickness and disease. It is always God's will to heal.

Jesus taught the disciples to pray, “Let your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” Do you think there is sickness and disease in heaven? Heaven is a place where there is no more sickness, no more crying and no more dying. There is no sickness and disease in heaven, so there should be no sickness and disease on Earth. Unfortunately, because of sin and the frailties in the human DNA, sickness and disease has entered in.

But God has made provision for our health and wholeness.  He said he would that we would prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. When we know better, we do better! When we know that healing is available, we will believe for it and stand in faith for it.

So I want to tell some and...

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Time Is On Your Side...If You Use It Right!

What are you doing with all of this time on your hands? Don't you know that time is your most valuable commodity. Once you use it or lose it, you can never get it back. It may be awhile before you have this kind of time available to you again, so what are you going to do?

I believe this is an opportunity for us to refresh and reset. Don't get in the mode of complacency and just engage in a sedentary lifestyle. There is much to be done and much to be considered.

For the married husband and wife, this is a time to renew those connections. The hustle and bustle of life may have caused you to grow distant. Some mornings you may look up and wonder, “who is that person on the other side of the bed?” You may have been living like 2 ships passing in the night, but this is the time to revitalize and rekindle those love flames.

Those of you parents who have children at home, this is a time to pour into them. You may have missed baseball games, basketball games, and cheerleading...

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Psalm 91 - Let This Be Your Shield!

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2020

In light of everything that's happening with the coronavirus, the media frenzy and what's happening all around the world, I wanted to give you some encouragement. 

Everybody is dealing with this media news and this epidemic called the coronavirus, also known as covid-19.

Listen my friends, I just keep hearing the Lord say Psalms 91,                              "Let that be your shield."

I've been declaring that Psalms 91 is my shield. So, I got in the word this week and decided to read it again.  

Of course I know parts that I love to quote, “He that dwells in The Secret place of the Most High God, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”  But, I wanted to study it in a different translation and just look at it again. I read it in the Complete Jewish Bible and pulled it up online. The CJB version is what it's called.

This is an opportunity for those of us who are...

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Selfish vs. Self-Care

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2020

"You are not you, when you're hungry" has been a slogan that Snickers has used for years.

So I like to say...

"You are not you, when you haven't been re-energized and supercharged."

If you don't take care of yourself, it's challenging to be able to take care of anybody else.

When you begin to say "NO" to people, they may look at you a little strange, especially if you're the one who always does everything and always tries to please everyone and keep everyone happy....

But the reality of the matter is that the burned out version of you is INEFFECTIVE.  You won't be able to give the love you desire to give to your family, perform at a high level of productivity at work, or have much to give to anybody, because you are NOT at your best!

So, TODAY...

take the time to slow down and smell the roses.  Take a walk, and leave your cell phone off, clear your mind, take in some deep breaths and enjoy the beauty all around you.

The CREATOR has made a glorious creation for you to...

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YOU are the biggest obstacle between you and your destiny.

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2020

Excuses, excuses, excuses.  

We are so good at making excuses.  We KNOW what needs to be done, but finding the motivation to do it can be challenging.

Who pushes you when you need a push? 

Self motivation is key to having a drive to move forward, but when you're to tired to push...

who do you turn to, to push you?

Wrong mindsets, a lackadaisical attitude, and pure laziness can be a major barrier to you achieving the success and transformation you desire.

You won't be able to thrive in the business arena, workplace, as a parent, friend, or in any part of life if you aren't being the best version of yourself.

You have to have a healthy mind, body, and soul.  Put aside everything that hinders and causes you to lag behind.  Those things that bog down your thinking and put you in low gear, need to be eliminated in order for you to take flight and soar.

When I got a coach and found clarity for my situation, that was when I began to get traction in my life and...

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How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

mindset and goals Feb 16, 2020

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of travelling happen.

In that case, you need to look at the options available to you to make that money. Or maybe you want to achieve a certain thing in your career and you realize that in order to get there, there is a certain amount of experience you need to acquire first. How can you acquire said experience?

There are many similar examples of how you might go after a particular goal but the thing to remember in every case is that you need to focus on small steps that are just ahead of you. That might mean the next small promotion. It might mean a small upgrade to your home. It might mean developing any form of small income.

With that in mind, you’re then going to break these smaller goals down even further. Now the...

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Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Habits

stop your addictions Feb 16, 2020

Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know that stopping your addictions is possible only if you will really put your heart and mind to it. The last but definitely not the least tool for you to completely free yourself from your bad habits is learning to reward yourself for every accomplishment that you make.

Through meaningful rewards, you can be more motivated to do better the next day and you will strive even harder to make sure that you will get another great reward in the future. With this kind of inspiration and motivation, you will have the drive to become better and better every day as you finish your journey to complete recovery from your addiction.

Every Accomplishment Deserves a Good Reward

Reward systems are being used in many situations today. At home, in schools and even in workplaces, a reward system is considered as a helpful tool for people to do better. This...

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Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Work / Life Balance

personal development Feb 16, 2020

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated is an inside job. You might do an excellent job at creating the right environment and getting the requisite resources to succeed, but if you are not taking care of yourself, you will not be able to stay motivated for very long. It is hard to keep pushing yourself to do more when your body is already falling apart under the pressure.

Achieving success at the expense of your health is not a very wise idea. It is equally unwise to neglect your family and friends in the process. While it is true that sacrifices will need to be made, your health and relationships should not be one of them. In short, it will be much easier to motivate a healthy mind and body.

Pay careful attention to these 5 areas that are often neglected in the pursuit of success:


How, when and what we eat, has a huge bearing on how well our...

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